Depression: #LetsTalk – Angelo's Story
In this video, watch as Angelo shares his experience with depression, and how he was able to successfully overcome it. Depression is a very common problem and can happen to adults, adolescents and even young children. Depression is preventable and effective treatment is possible. If you or your loved one are going through depression, consult your health provider for advice.
Learning to Live with Clinical Depression | Angelica Galluzzo | TEDxWesternU
Angelica shares how living with depression has impacted her life. Angelica Galluzzo is a mental health advocate, largely motivated by her own struggles with mental illness. After battling depression and suicidal ideation for many years, she became passionate about making an impact, using her voice to create positive change, and normalizing the struggles that many of us go through
Depression and Childhood Trauma: Leah's Story
26 percent of children in the United States will experience or witness a traumatic event before they are four years old. This has lifelong, potentially harmful effects. With therapy and treatment, these children have the potential to thrive.